All businesses must have on file within the County that they operate from, a registered and active Fictitious business Name statement. For Los Angeles County, Fictitious Business Name fillings in 5 years after submission. If you are in another county, search your county requirements. We are only alerting you to this and you as the administrator of your business need to keep track of this every 5 years after you first register. For LA County, you can search the below site to see if your fictitious business name is active or not or if it is nearing its 5 year expiration date:
If not active or if nearing its 5 year expiration date, then you need to reapply for a new or renewal registration. You can do that yourself through either following the below instructions and creating the application yourself or use a 3rd party service such as Legal Zoom or other 3rd party service to do this for you. You should have received mailings from these private companies notifying you that your 5 year deadline is approaching.
If you want to do this yourself, then complete the application yourself, then follow below instructions:
1. Go to:
Complete the form and print it3. Have the the Affidavit of Identity notarized by a Notary Public 4. Attach a Certificate of Status from the Secretary of State. You can get this by going to the below link, entering your entity name, click on link and at bottom hit “Certificate of Status”.
Pay the fee to the State.
5. Mail both pages (as noterized), plus certificate of status along with a check of $26 payable to L.A. COUNTY CLERK to the following address:Business Filing and Registration
P.O. Box 1208
Norwalk , California 90651-1208
6. Publish with Newspaper: Please note: Within 30 days of filing of the above statement, the filed copy of the statement must be published once per week for four consecutive weeks in an adjudicated newspaper in Los Angeles County. If you don’t do this step, the whole thing becomes invalid and you have to start over as the county will not register you as having been filed, so don’t forget this step. You can find a list of such newspapers at the following link:
Please note that this is an administrative function for your internal company and you would have to do this every 5 years yourself or use the services of a 3rd party such as Legal Zoom to complete that for you. If you want our office to complete this for you, there would be a fee of $100 for reimbursement of employee time plus any application fee and costs to obtain certificate of status and publish with newspaper, but again you still have to spend the time to go and notarize the document yourself with a public notary. We recommend you use Legal Zoom or other 3rd party company to get this done for you.
If your fictitious business name has expired or expiring, then take the above steps to have it renewed or reinstated.